Release Notes

01.30.2025 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Added a feature to restore deleted products.
  • Designs can now be moved between accounts.
  • Improved image loading on the design request page.
  • Enhanced security with PCI compliance updates and a 365-day password policy.
01.30.2025 Catalog Changes
  • Design search now works with “starts with” matches.
  • Implemented an update to improve Rush Orders.
02.16.25 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Fix for an issue where the default password on new accounts was too short to meet the required length.
  • Reorder button on the Order Details page has been updated to no longer allow ordering of expired designs.
  • Re-added restrictions to fix a Guided View issue with the color selector.
09.12.24 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Fixed an issue where Size and Shape Properties were not showing on Design Request and DP for some orders.
11.25.24 Catalog Changes 
  • The manage users screen now correctly displays sales rep roles.
  • Support added for the new Cintas DR hierarchy, which will be visible soon.
  • Security improvements made to address reverse tabnabbing.
11.10.24 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Resolved an issue where accounts with more than 1,000 shipping addresses couldn’t place orders if the billing address wasn’t within the top 1,000.
  • Enhanced security features on both the public site ( and the shop site (
  • Optimized the Quick View DR workflow to reduce the number of API calls, improving performance.
  • Implemented a hotfix to ensure thread colors are cleared upon submission for categories where thread colors are not enabled.
10.13.24 Catalog Changes
  • Resolved a pricing issue where the calculation was incorrectly adjusting the price after multiplying the quantity.
  • Updated the API to prevent orders from being processed for customers on credit hold.
09.15.24 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Resolved an issue where the original design image was still appearing for the customer when the design was either released or pending release.
  • We’ve created new pages that will display when a user encounters an invalid page or when a failure event occurs, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • We updated our API logic to ensure that shipping addresses are correctly validated for multi-user accounts.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Book Entry" option remained checked when a non-impersonated user made a copy.
09.15.24 Catalog Changes
  • We’ve added two new shapes to our 3D Embroidery, Flexbroidery, and Flexstyle products: "Rectangle with square corners" and "Square with square corners." 
09.03.24 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • An update was deployed to ensure appropiate pricing upates on the "favorites" page when updating quantities in the product card.
  • An update was deployed to ensure appropiate public sire redirects.
08.18.24 Fixed Bugs and Limitations

-Fixed an issue on Digital Passports where if an order had multiple edits to the image, the DP only showed the first image.

-Fixed an issue where expedited pricing wasn’t displaying on the View Quantity Pricing popup.

07.21.24 Catalog Changes

-Fix to the DR copy process where Sewing Guide and Color were not getting cleared when the copied DR was set to a product category that did not use the Sewing Guide.

06.23.24 Catalog Changes
  • Launched new public site at
  • All invoices updated with new company HQ address: 602 SW 12th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312.
  • Display the selected GL Account on the checkout review pages when submitting expedited orders.
04.28.24 Catalog Changes
  • Added a Copy button to the Design Request confirmation page.
04.28.24 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Fix to ensure that the correct values are captured from the DR Size fields when minimum size validation is triggered.
03.31.24 Catalog Changes
  • Added a sorting feature on the column headers for the multiple-design search feature.
  • Added warning text to the DR creation screen to make the users aware that failure to select colors before submission could result in longer processing times.
  • Added validation to points in the application where an address is entered/selected to ensure valid information is entered by the customer.
  • Removed the option “Shipping same as billing” on the cart checkout, to avoid issues with the new address validation feature.
03.14.24 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • A change was deployed to EpiServer to address an issue where shipping orders do not show split orders.
  • A hoƞix was deployed to EpiServer to correct a width issue on the DR page.
  • A change was deployed to EpiServer to default new columns in DR and Name System to “N/A” when no data is available.
03.14.24 Catalog Changes
  • A change was deployed to EpiServer to remove the Add New Comments link on digital passports.
  • A change was deployed to EpiServer to add expected ship date / tracking to DR and Name System. N/A shows when data from previous orders is not available.
03.03.23 Catalog Changes
  • Added Web Order Number as a search option on the Tracking Invoice screen.
  • Set the default view of the Tracking Invoice screen to be ‘ALL’ instead of ‘Unpaid’.
  • Set the default sort order of the Tracking Invoice screen to show the most recent orders to the oldest based on the Order Date.
  • Changed the headers on the Tracking Invoices and shipment screens for a seamless and consistent experience. 
  • Removed the "Let WE choose my size" option when creating a new Design Request.
  • Terms & Conditions acknowledgment is now mandatory for users with multi-location. 
02.04.24 Catalog Changes
  • Reimplemented a previous fix to populate the GL account on split shipments.
  • Our catalog now allows pricing to be displayed in the user’s local currency.
  • Removes trailing and leading spaces on new and existing Name System Customer SKUS (Shortcuts.
  • Removes trailing and leading spaces on new and existing Color Match Setups.
11.27.23 Catalog Changes
  • A change was deployed to refresh and modernize the end-to-end Design Request process. The changes made include those to product structure and organization as well as the introduction of new UI flows used by customers in the form of the ‘Guided View’ for a more handheld workflow and the ‘Quick View’ for customers who are more experienced with the Design Request.
  • A change was deployed to ensure that on the ‘Manage Users’ page, the role(s) assigned to users is presented in the user list.
10.16.23 Fixed Bugs and Limitations

An issue where PXF and DST files were sporadically unavailable for download from the catalog was fixed.

08.21.23 Catalog Changes
  • A change to EpiServer was deployed related to the client reference number for CSG orders.
08.09.23 Catalog Changes
  • Added an option to sort products A-Z when shopping.
07.10.23 Catalog Changes
  • Added an Edit button to the Saved Carts screen to allow changes to saved carts.
  • Added a configurable delay to CMS for converted DRs to allow for a buffer between conversion and ordering
  • Checkout text was added for expedited shipping to enable in Production.
06.26.23 Catalog Changes
  • An update was deployed in order to update the "Tracking Invoices" page such that it now includes invoices with dates created by the end date of the specified search criteria
06.11.23 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • – Fixed an issue in CSG where clicking Cancel after editing a decoration was not working.

05.26.2023 Catalog Changes
  • A change was deployed to EpiServer to allow for monthly reminders to be sent via email for overdue invoices and monthly balances.
  • A change was deployed to EpiServer to prevent simulations from being applied to CSG orders
05.14.23 Catalog Changes
  • An update was made to clear the shipping address when making a copy of an existing design.
05.14.23 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Fixes Page Not Found error when viewing digital passport after an edit is made
  • Hot fix to resolve an issue where Add to Cart didn’t become enabled in the Product Detail screen unless the user tabbed off of the quantity field
  • Bug fix for Specific Customer Design Request APIs, so they can pass in multiple locations
04.28.23 Catalog Changes
  • A change was deployed to ensure that users who are not set to the role type of “Manager” cannot create new Ship-To addresses when creating new orders.
  • A change was deployed to Episerver that allows for better and more accurate presentation of pricing for items based on quantities selected when adding to the cart
  • A change was deployed that allows for the addition of additional order confirmation email addresses for CSG and Name System Orders.
  • A change was deployed to accommodate changes in Business Central and Middleware for the Canadian Provincial Tax field on invoices.
  • A change was deployed to address shipping address inconsistencies by updating how the ‘Country’ field is handled for Name System orders.
04.17.23 Catalog Changes
  • "Invoiced" status is selected by default on the "Tracking Orders" page
03.31.23 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • appropriate handle of preferred billing addresses
  • Confirmation email address is now displayed during the checkout process so users have visibility of who will receive the email.
  • Better presentation of validation errors/notifications during the course of completing a CSG order.
  • Fixed issue where the special notes for what needs to be embroidered disappear when editing a print stitch order.
03.17.23 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Bug fix to allow for DR emails to be sent when the Description field contains carriage returns.

03.17.23 Catalog Changes
  • Allows user to indicate which parts of Print Stitch to be embroidered via text field
02.17.23 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • A bug that showed incorrect orders when filtering "Recently Ordered" was fixed
  • Keywords and CSG Delete Endpoint. Bug fix for validation when no thread is present
  • Fixed issue where DR submission was failing when Enter Text was selected
  • Fixed issue where duplicate rows on the "Other CSG Request with this Design" list on the CSG page
02.17.23 Catalog Changes
  • Transactional email templates were updated
  • Disabled Convert Submit Button when clicked
  • Added another file type for download on the Catalog - EMB (Wilcom)
  • A print issue on Consolidated Invoices was fixed
  • GL was renamed to General Ledger Account. ExistingGarment, ExistingFR Garment, New Garment, and New FR Garment were removed from the dropdown
02.06.23 Catalog Changes
  • Change deployed to ensure the proper application of the default shipping address on My Info page
  • Change deployed to allow the selection of search parameters on the Status filter in the order tracking page. Previously this action was presented via checkboxes
01.23.23 Catalog Changes
  • Added visual indicators to order statuses to indicate whether they are on time or not. This change has been made available via the Orders Tracking and CSG Tracking pages
  • Added a restriction of name system combinations based on the user’s selection of embroidery or Perfect Print. Prior to this change, the same combinations were presented regardless of whether embroidery or Perfect Print was selected
  • Removed the Expected Ship Date from product cards on the cart. This was a legacy property that is no longer applicable
01.23.23 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Fixed a minor bug whereby when the user hit the "Enter"
    key on a product card quantity, they were redirected to the cart
01.13.23 Catalog Changes
  • The PO Number field on the cart checkout page is now limited to 50 characters.
01.06.23 Catalog Changes
  • A change was deployed to ensure that all customers are directed to the
    appropriate Customer Supplied Good (‘CSG’) order interface.


  • We improved the look and feel of Consolidated invoices. These are the changes we included:
    • An option to print all invoices via the "Print" button from a specific invoice
    • The "Email" button from a consolidated invoice will launch Microsoft Outlook and automatically insert the link to the consolidated invoice into the email body
    • Several fields have been removed from the main consolidated invoice heading:
    • Sales Subtotal
    • Misc. Charges
    • Shipping and Handling
    • Tax


  • Now our catalog allows customers to now sort their products
    page by products most recently or most frequently ordered. These filters are selectable via the filtering drop-down selector on the left-hand side of the products page.


  • A change was deployed that allows for the display of multiple tracking numbers for a given order separated by commas on the "Tracking Order" page under the "Tracking" tab. The tracking numbers will also be presented at the bottom of the order detail page.


  • A change was deployed that removes the “Do Something Else with Shipment” option when reviewing an unexpected shipment for a given customer.
12.06.22 Catalog Changes
  • Fixed display issue on Invoice Detail for long PO Number, which were getting truncated
09.25.22 Catalog Changes
  • Fixed issue with Digital Passport, where the header was getting hidden in PDF
08.22.22 Catalog Changes
  • Removed restriction on plotter cut transfers for white silicone. Everyone can now order it.
  • Added our Mexico facility as a manufacturing location for CSG orders.
08.22.22 Enhancements
  • Fixed issue where user's default shipping address wasn't appearing preselected as first address (feature/csg-default-shipping-address)
08.05.22 Catalog Changes
  • Updated min/max for height/width on Embroidered Emblems.
  • Updated terms & conditions with a publish date of 7/26.
07.25.22 Catalog Changes
  • Renamed “Media Color” to “Media/Fabric Color”
  • Changed sizing on Perfect Print Emblems and Print Stitch Emblems to have a min of 1”x1” and a max of 12”x12”
  • Removed ability to order physical samples from Full Color Heat Transfers and Plotter Cut Transfers
  • Removed the announcement regarding fees from the customer’s landing page in Episerver
05.30.22 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Requested Delivery Date not applying to Fees on CSG Orders
  • Commerce manager not adding preferred billing ID to some new accounts
  • Update freight to pull manufacturing location from the production order table and not Process Weaver.
05.23.22 Catalog Changes
  • Special color 98 was added to PV+ color choices, choosing this color, you can select a Pantone color match for any color on your design
  • Several PV+ ink colors were removed now that the Pantone color matching feature is available
  • Grassy Green border color added back for Perfect Print Emblems


05.23.22 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Adding new shipping addresses at checkout failing when the customer has a large number of shipping addresses.
  • Commerce manager not adding preferred billing ID to some new accounts
09.15.24 Fixed Bugs and Limitations
  • Resolved an issue where the original design image was still appearing for the customer when the design was either released or pending release.
  • We’ve created new pages that will display when a user encounters an invalid page or when a failure event occurs, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • We updated our API logic to ensure that shipping addresses are correctly validated for multi-user accounts.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Book Entry" option remained checked when a non-impersonated user made a copy.